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Study Abroad

Asset | International Business & Management is the Asset study department for Bachelor students of International Business Administration (IBA) and for Master students International Management (IM). Within these study programs, most students spend a semester abroad, as it is highly recommended and students are mostly internationally oriented.

As studying abroad is an unforgettable and equally enriching experience, with upfront good preparation. Asset | International Business & Management wants to help its members who are interested in studying abroad. Therefore, we made a special section on our website that will help you with various issues regarding spending a semester abroad.

Choosing a destination

Choosing the right location is very important since you will be spending a full semester there. There are several aspects to consider while making your choice. Obviously, the university you will be attending is important, but there is more to spending a semester abroad than just academics. Think about getting to know another culture and the travel opportunities your choice will bring. Furthermore, different universities demand different requirements to be fulfilled, on the website of the International Office you can find information regarding requirements for different universities. When you choose your destination think about it as not just studying abroad but as an opportunity to broaden your horizon. A lot of our members have spent a semester abroad. Therefore, we organize an Exchange Dinner every year to give you the opportunity to ask students who have spent a semester abroad all about their experiences abroad and their reasons for choosing the University they have attended.

Exchange Destinations