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Board Positions


The Chairman's function is very diverse. The Chairman is the representative of Asset | International Business & Management and actively focuses on long-term decision-making and the future of the association. You keep the overview of what is going on within the association. The Chairman leads all the meetings and makes sure that everyone can share their opinion during discussions and supports the final decision. In addition, you will monitor what and how your fellow boardies are doing through expectation- and evaluation meetings. 

As the chairman, you represent Asset | IB&M towards external parties, such as the Academic Directors of the BSc International Business Administration and the MSc International Management, Asset | Tilburg, Student Career Services, old boardies, etc.

The chairman also fulfills a function in the general board of Asset | Tilburg. The general board consists of all the chairmen of the 7 Asset Departments, the chairman of MAK, and the Independent Chairman. I fulfill the role of Events Manager for which I am responsible for the corporate identity of Asset | Tilburg and the social media channels. 

I decided to do a board year because I wanted to further develop myself in terms of professional- and social skills. The only function that spoke to me was the chairman function because often take a leading role in teams and I liked that being a chairman will lead to very diverse days. I can already say that my board year has been the best year of my life so far. I developed skills such as (professional) communication, keeping the overview, leadership skills, working in teams, setting priorities, weighing out different options and consequences, and adopting a professional attitude. Furthermore, I gained a network of friends and associates which I would not have met otherwise. 


As Vice-Chairman, you are responsible for all internal affairs and communication through social media. This makes you the main contact person for all active members and places you in charge of attracting new active members. You will have a lot of interaction with members and hold introductory talks with all new members each semester. Additionally, you serve as the Confidential Contact Person, providing support to any members who need someone to talk to. Managing social media is another key part of the Vice-Chairman role. You oversee several platforms, including the main Instagram account, the active members' Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. You also get to design creative posts for these platforms, which allows you to express your creativity. One of my Favorite tasks is taking photos at all Asset IB&M events. This involves capturing great memories of the members and events. You are also responsible for creating and updating the year plan for all events, ensuring that any schedule changes are updated. If events need to be moved to different dates, you check their avalability. Another task is that as Vice-Chairman you take over the roll of Chairman when he is absent. Finally, you are responsible for the coordination of various informal committees where you get the opportunity to organize great events together with your members.

The Vice-Chairman also plays an important role within Asset | Tilburg. You are part of the Public Relations team, working alongside the Vice-Chairmen from other departments within Asset | Tilburg. Together, you help organize major informal events, such as two cantusses, Pré-Carnaval, the Desperados Party, the Champions League football tournament with a Third-Half Party, and more. These events provide the opportunity to develop your organizational skills. You are also responsible for promoting Asset | Tilburg throughout the year, particularly during TOP Week (the introduction week) and the Asset Kick-Off Party.

The reason I decided to do a board year was that I wanted to do something extra alongside my studies. At the time, I was halfway through my master’s in international management and didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted to do next. The idea of starting full-time work didn't feel right, and I also felt like I wanted to make the most of my student life before it ended. At the same time, I wanted to develop both hard and soft skills and expand my network.During my board year, I feel that I have accomplished all of these goals and learned so much that I wouldn’t have if I had only focused on my studies. My board year has truly been a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will never forget, and I have made friends for life.


As Secretary, you have a lot of different tasks. You are essentially responsible for the external communication of our department. You are responsible for the website and the app; you design the website and app, put events online, and keep track of the registrations for events. Furthermore, you are responsible for the incoming mail as well as sending out mailings like the Monthly Mail, and you keep the member database up-to-date. The Secretary also writes the minutes during important meetings, such as the weekly board meetings, the department member’s meetings, and the advisory council. Moreover, the Secretary is responsible for our department’s study support, making sure the existing guidelines are up-to-date according to the course material and looking into new guidelines. Lastly, the secretary also coordinates several committees, varying between formal and informal. 

Within Asset General, the Secretary is part of the Secretary Meeting, the Webmasters Meeting, and the Study Support Meeting. In the Secretary Meeting, all the secretaries of all the departments will meet and discuss year planning and the member database. During the Webmasters Meeting, the Webmasters in all the departments will discuss changes and improvements regarding the websites and our app. Lastly, during the Study Support Meeting, every department’s study support will be discussed. 

A board year is a major highlight of your student time. You develop a lot of hard- and soft skills, expand your network, and learn a lot about yourself. Most importantly, you will have amazing events and make unforgettable memories with fellow board members and active members. I chose to do a board year because I didn't know what kind of internship I wanted to do. During my board year I hope to find out which pilar I find the most interesting. I wanted to develop myself in ways that you cannot learn during your studies. I felt extremely at home at Asset | IB&M and wanted to give something back to the organization while having an unforgettable experience and making lots of new friends. 


As Treasurer, you are responsible for all financial matters within Asset | IB&M. This means that you need to have a clear overview of the financial situation. Specific function-related tasks include paying invoices, cashing payments for activities that we organize, sending invoices to companies, and general bookkeeping. Next to that, you will coordinate several committees that all organize their activities. Most of the time the treasurer will coordinate the trips as this involves a large amount of money. 

Moreover, you represent Asset | International Business & Management in the weekly Treasurer Meeting of Asset General. You will have some tasks for Asset General that you will do together with treasurers of other departments. Together with the treasurers of other departments you will discuss important asset-wide issues and collaborate in various task forces to manage the Asset General budget.

As a treasurer, you are involved in all financial decisions. You will work closely with your fellow board members and together you basically run a small company for a year. You have the freedom to decide on your policy and translate that through certain financial decisions. It is a great way to translate the theory that you have learned in your studies and apply it in practice.

I chose to do a board year because after finishing my bachelor's degree I wanted something different than already starting my masters. I did not want to sit still for a year, but the idea of working full-time for a year also did not appeal to me. A board year was the perfect solution. A board year adds great value to your personal and professional life: it boosts your CV, your network expands immensely, and you learn so many new soft- and hard skills. The mix of informal and formal events is what makes it unique from any other option like an internship for example. You get to organize several parties, trips to the other side of the world, company days and so much more. It is truly a year that you will never forget and will look back at later in life as one of the highlights of your student life.

External Affairs Officer

As the External Affairs Officer of the board, you are responsible for all company contacts for the association as well as all of its acquisitions. You are the face of the association towards all companies and ensure they are satisfied with our partnership. Together with your fellow External Affairs Officer, you are responsible for the financial well-being of Asset | International Business & Management. 

The primary focus of an External Affairs Officer is finding interesting partners for our students. These companies can range from a local accounting firm that you personally know, to the largest beer brewer in the world. You are the representative for all BSc. International Business and Management as well as MSc. International Management students. Moreover, it is your responsibility to explain to and convince these multinationals why your students are highly valuable, and that they should pay to get in contact with them. Furthermore, you are responsible for managing the relationships the association has built with its various partners over the years. 

As the External Affairs Officer you are also responsible for our complete formal offering. This includes both the exposure possibilities as well as the formal events we provide to connect students and companies. You will work closely with your fellow External Affairs Officer to create changes and improvements to our offering, or even redesign our event strategy. All of this is done in close collaboration with the rest of your board, in order to find the best possible offerings.

Finally, you also have a seat in the Acquisition Meeting of Asset | Tilburg. Here all of the External Affairs Officers get together to discuss the best methods to provide our students with career opportunities. You will have to represent the interests of your students and ensure the best possible outcomes for them through negotiations with other boards.

My motivation to do a board year was threefold. Firstly, I was in a position where I was uncertain about which direction I wanted to go in with my studies. Hence, doing a board year as an External Affairs Officer was the perfect opportunity to get in contact with a lot of different companies and sectors, learn more about them, and grow my network. Secondly, I felt both my CV and professional skills were lacking. A board year is the addition to a CV as recruiters highly value it. Furthermore, working closely with 6 fellow board members to run a small company has completely changed my skills and work attitude. Finally, there is the informal aspect of a board year. Personally I think the connection with your fellow board members and students is the most important and valuable part of your board year. Whether it be through trips, committee meetings you coordinate, events, or small talk at the rooms, a board year is an absolutely student life-changing experience that leaves you with a lot of friends and connections for life.

Marketing Officer

As Marketing Officer, you're responsible for a variety of tasks, and you’ll be in contact with a range of stakeholders. First, you'll guide marketing students throughout their studies and be their main point of contact for any questions about their master’s. Furthermore, you’ll represent the association when dealing with the Academic Directors of the Marketing Management and Marketing Analytics programs. As a marketing officer, you maintain a strong relationship with the university and ensures that students’ interests are well presented. Another key part of your role is acquiring partners for formal events organized by and for marketing students. 

Additionally, as a marketing officer you support the Secretary of the association by uploading events on the website that are mainly organized for marketing students. Therefore, you attend every week the Webmasters & Secretary Meeting. You are also responsible for checking your mailbox daily, where emails come in from marketing students, external partners, and the university. 

I chose to do a board year because I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do after my studies. During this year, I hope to explore more career opportunities following my master’s in Marketing Management. By connecting with different companies, I aim to discover what excites me for the future. Additionally, I decided to do a board year to improve my soft skills, such as organization and planning. I also want to boost my CV, expand my network, and develop new skills along the way. Lastly, I hope this board year brings me a lot of fun and new friendships!